N-RIT Cooling Guard 防曬冰巾
- N-RIT 名牌行山用品,韓國製造
- 採用冰巾物料,濕水扭干即有冰涼感覺
- 適合所有安全帽用,安裝簡單,亦可適用於普通CAP帽,或直接帶在頭上
- 覆蓋面和頸部,有助防蚊蟲,防曬及降溫作用
- 前設防風魔術貼可固定頸巾
- 可以機洗
- N-RIT renown outdoor equipment brand, made in Korea
- Made with cooling towel, soak then wring to activate cooling technology
- Fits all safety helmets, even works on normal baseball caps, or directly wear on forehead
- Protects the face and neck area from insects and harmful UV rays, and can help cool down the user
- Front velcro tape to hold cooling guard in place and prevent wind blow
- Machine washable